
In school we offer a wide range of opportunities for students to attend education visits and trips. We would like to provide the below document to give you advanced notice of the visits that staff are planning to run this academic year. We hope that this will provide families with the opportunity to plan when selecting the visits your child attends and also to advertise the wide range of opportunities available.

Each visit has the year group(s) that it is open to and the approximate cost for this. 

£ = Less than £50

££= £50-£100

£££= £100-£250

££££= £250+

For some visits there are criteria such as that a student must be studying a certain subject, this is stated in the final column along with the number of spaces available.

This list is not exhaustive but does include all the large visits that are planned for this year. The hope is that we will be in a position to run most of these visits every year allowing families to plan long term financially for these. Further information will be provided when the trip is released by the staff member running the visit but if you have any questions regarding visits please do not hesitate to contact me at 

DCHS Visits Plan.pdf