Leave of Absence
School will not normally authorise any holiday taken in term time. We clearly have an obligation to protect the learning and progress of students and understand from past experience that this absence can have a detrimental effect. Students who absent themselves as a result of a family holiday with be marked with an “unauthorised absence”. If any parent felt that they may have extenuating circumstances they should write to the Headteacher with full details for his consideration.
We do understand that from time to time we need to authorise absence on compassionate grounds e.g. the death of a family member, interview, participation in a recognised sporting activity, university visit, and in any of these instances, parents should contact Mr Rogers to agree necessary arrangements.
Attendance at school is vital to achieve success. Research shows that 17 days of absence from school can lead to a drop in achievement of one grade at GCSE. Any student who has an attendance of 90% or less is considered to be a Persistent Absentee. Parents are asked to inform us as soon as possible if their son or daughter is not well enough to come to school. A telephone call, email or a note sent in with a sibling or neighbour on every day of absence is ideal.
Students should bring a note explaining the absence, signed by a parent, when they return to school, except if it has been a one day absence and a note has already been sent.
The school works closely with the Education Welfare Service to support students and parents.
Illness & Accident
The school provides first aid facilities and a medical room. Students who become ill at school will be cared for whilst parents are asked to come to school to collect them. In the case of accidents to students, a wide range of responses may be needed, from calling out the emergency services to administering minor first aid. It is essential that we have emergency contact telephone numbers, ideally for both parents. Where parents are often difficult to contact, or both work a long way from school, the numbers of other appropriate people, e.g. grandparents, can be helpful. Students needing urgent hospital treatment will be transported by ambulance.
If non-urgent hospital treatment is needed, we will contact parents and ask them to arrange it. We hope that you will understand that only in exceptional circumstances will school staff escort students to hospital for non-urgent treatment. However, in cases of emergency hospitalisation by ambulance, school staff will remain at hospital with all students aged 16 and under, and with older students who need support, until parents can get there.
We need to know about medical conditions which may affect a student’s wellbeing in school and parents will be asked for this information.