Assessment & Reporting
Progress Checks
Progress check reports are sent home 3 times per year for all year groups except Year 11 and 13 who will receive 2 reports.
For each Progress Check our teachers submit a Working at Grade for every student that they teach. This is derived from a combination of assessments, class work, homework and any other work the student has been working on. Teachers use their professional judgement when allocating the grades.
For students in Key Stage 5 the working at grades are in the form of grades A* - E (Year 13) or A - E (Year 12) for A level courses and some of the vocational courses. A small number of vocational courses report Pass, Merit, Distinction.
For students in Key Stage 4 the working at grades are in the form of grades 1 - 9 (where 9 is the highest grade) for GCSE subjects. Level 2 vocational courses are graded differently and can include Level 1 pass to distinction*, Level 2 pass - distinction * or even grades A* to C.
In Key Stage 3, students are evaluated based on their progress towards the Age-Related Expectations (ARE) for each subject. Your child will receive one of the following assessments: GD - Working at Greater Depth, AA - Working at ARE or TA - Working Towards ARE.
Teachers also submit an Ready, Respectful, Safe Score for every student which reflects how well the student has met the school expectations.
Ready, Respectful, Safe Score - Explanation
Age Related Expectations (ARE) KS3
In Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 &9) We measure student progress based on knowledge, skills and understanding at different ages when compared to students nationally this is known as age related expectations (ARE).
Every subject area taught in KS3 has different criteria that students are measured against. Below you will find all the ARE for each year group.
Assessments KS3 & KS4
For each Progress Check our teachers will carry out class assessments. These assessments will be used as part of the judgement to form working at grades. Smaller informal assessments may take place throughout the year in some subjects too.