Pele Trust
Pele Trust is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) in Northumberland
We are a family of schools in Northumberland and North Tyneside working together to provide the best possible learning experiences for our pupils through partnership and collaboration.
We are named after Pele Tower, an example of which can be found in Ponteland, but also across much of the English-Scottish border including at Hulne Priory in Alnwick. The Pele Tower was a medieval watch tower that also acted as a safe haven and was built to protect the local people from Border reivers.
In the same way, Pele Trust has been built to be a symbol of strength, protection and trust.
Our ambition is to be a learning community where strong relationships ensure everyone:
Is happy
Learns and improves
Is known well and valued for who they are
Is included and listened to
Is fulfilled
Feels safe and secure
Promotes health and wellbeing
Consistently experiences a rich, stimulating and challenging learning environment
Experiences a broad and balanced curriculum including a varied enrichment offer
Strives for excellence
Receives high quality and timely advice, support and guidance
Treats others with respect, dignity and courtesy at all times
Contributes positively to the improvement of all our schools
Recognises the important partnership between parents and school
Achieves exceptionally well from their individual starting points