Careers Statement

Careers Education, Advice, Information & Guidance Statement


525,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed in May-July 2021, which equates to approximately 12.9% of that age group.  The impact of Covid-19 means it has never been more important to provide vital guidance and support to ensure the young people of our school community remain learning but are given the necessary information, guidance and education to make informed and impartial decisions at the vital transition points within their educational learning journey.


To ensure that at the end of their time at DCHS all learners progress into positive outcomes involving further learning, apprenticeships, traineeships or work and that they have developed the necessary employability skills to negotiate the world of work successfully. We want to build opportunities for all of our young people to engage with worthwhile experiences with employers and to develop the skills necessary to make a positive contribution to society beyond our school gates.


The school’s approach to careers education is delivered discreetly as part of our curriculum within subject areas as well as forming part of the wider PSHCE curriculum within KS3, 4 and KS5. In addition to this close attention is also paid to every learner’s individual need for guidance and support and there are protocols within place to ensure this personalised approach is given when need arises across each Key Stage. At the centre of our Guidance (Careers) provision is the Unifrog Platform as of September 2021 where students are actively encouraged and taught to research and complete activities that demonstrate an understanding of how they can become better informed about the opportunities that they have at each transition stage of their education.

Our discreet Careers Programme focuses on the following areas in each of the Year Groups:

Year 07 – An introduction to careers which focuses on understanding their personalities and careers that might suit them. Introduction to CVs, dreaming big, revision skills and recording activities and developing competencies in the opportunities that the school provides them both within the curriculum and extra curricularly.. Students are also given opportunities to meet with external companies and educational partners throughout the year.

Year 08 – Building on last year, pupils review their personality profiles and potential careers as a result, identify interests and are introduced to LMI information, have opportunities to explore self, aspirations, transferable skills and complete an initial career development plan. Introductions to a potential future in university or apprenticeships, exploring GCSE options and updating activities and competencies is also part of this year group. Students are also given opportunities to meet with external companies and educational partners throughout the year.

Year 09 – In the final year of Key Stage 3 pupils begin again by completing and reviewing their personality quiz, reflect on the jobs and careers it suggests. Pupils will consider jobs and their futures, explore the subject library in Unifrog, develop skills/competencies in aiming high, leadership and communication and looking at work that explores individual skills and their futures. There will also be opportunities to update and reflect on activities and further competencies that pupils will have done within the year. Students are also given opportunities with senior leaders for discussions around option choices and potential careers choices.

Year 10 – At the start of Key Stage 4 pupils complete their personality quiz after they have explored the competency teamwork, they are introduced to the idea of 7 skills of success as well as further work around the competency communication. Pupils also explore the independence competency and update activities. Pupils also work on CVs, explore work experience, health and safety at work and how they can contact employers, prepare for interviews and record post 16 destination intentions both at the beginning and the end of the academic year.

Year 11 – At the beginning of Year 11 pupils will complete the personality test and update post 16 destination intentions.A focused programme that gives real experiences of potential career opportunities, focuses attention on the needs of the Job and Labour Market as well as guidance and advice on National Apprenticeships and the importance of the National Careers Service. To support these vital decisions, developed work on CV writing, interview technique, application advice and careers interviews are offered. Pupils are introduced to opportunities post 16 including BTECS, armed forces and College partnerships. In addition the duty to provide information on all leaver destinations will be available. There is also a discreet programme running for some students that allows them some meaningful engagement with employers as well as apprenticeship workshops and college applications assistance. Every pupil also has a further 1-1 guidance appointment with a senior leader or guidance team member to discuss next steps as 6ht form option visits begin.

Sixth Form –A focused approach to preparation for University application and transition, a focused approach to non-university applicants and a personalised guidance programme for those students to ensure progress into the world of work at 17 or 18. This will include CV writing, advice on letters of application and advice and guidance to set up individual businesses. There is also a business forum which runs weekly from November until April where local and national businesses come in to talk about next steps with our Yr 11 and 6th form and also some work around apprenticeship applications and college applications. Opportunities for impartial advice and guidance also available based on bespoke, individual need. In addition, the duty to monitor all learner destinations in Yr 11, 12 and Yr 13.

Review of Information - Careers information is reviewed each year with the next review due in January 2025