
Sixth Form Study Time

Independent study time

This is how you should use your time in the Sixth Form:

  • 3 A Level/BTEC subjects – 9 lessons over the two-week timetable for each subject

  • As appropriate, depending on deadlines/assignments – a minimum of 3 hours homework per subject

The school day does not end at 3:35! It doesn’t start at 8:50 either! Please feel free to stay after school and use the Sixth Form study area, or come in early (from 8:00) and get your work done while it’s quiet! We are open 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. every day.

Home Study

You will be given the opportunity to earn Home Study after October half Term

Home study has to be negotiated with your form tutor and agreed by Mr Batley, Mrs Harrison and Mr Allenby.

Good attendance and punctuality, being on or above target in all subjects, no negative events with regard to coursework/homework/ or Attitude to Learning will be pre-requisites of Home Study being granted. PLEASE NOTE home study is a privilege not a right, and if you are not working well in school you will not be granted home study. Agreement with parents is essential.