Key Stage 4 & Sixth Form Options Evening
Wednesday 22nd January 2025
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
We invite you to our Options Evening. This is an especially important evening where you will be guided through the options process and have the opportunity to meet with subject staff to find out more about the courses on offer.
There will be a presentation in the Main Hall at 5:00pm and repeated at 5:30 p.m. for Key Stage 4 options and a presentation in the Main Hall at 6:00pm and repeated at 6:30 p.m. for Sixth Form options. This will allow you to speak to staff before or after the presentation. At all other times, Heads of Faculty/Heads of Department and key staff will be available around the school site for further discussions and the opportunity to ask questions about the options subjects. On the day you will be provided with a map, possible question sheet and list of options upon entry to school and all relevant information will be talked through in the presentation.
Students will have had specific information about the options subjects delivered in lessons over the next week. This evening will be an opportunity for the students to ask questions.
Here are links to the Options websites for your perusal in advance should you wish to do so. Please click the relevant link below. The websites also includes the electronic options forms.
Key Stage 4 Options Website
Sixth Form Options Website
Please do not fill out the options form until after the options evening.
The deadline for completing the Key Stage 4 form is Wednesday 5th March 2025.
The deadline for completing the Sixth Form form is Friday 21st February 2025.
If you and your child cannot attend the evening or either presentation this website contains all of the information you will need.
If your child should require personal guidance from their Form Tutor in the days following this, it will be available. Please email tutors directly. You can be assured that we will support and guide your child as much as possible in school. We do hope however that you will be able to attend our Options Evening so that you have as much information as possible at your disposal. Even if you have had a child who has been through the process in the past, we would still urge you to attend.