Alnwick charity receives a £1,000 BOOST from town council

BOOST works in partnership with Duchess’s Community High School by providing activities and resources that would not otherwise be available.

Everything the charity does is in addition to the school’s statutory responsibilities.

BOOST provides accessible and inclusive activities such as lunchtime clubs, one-to-one support, cultural experiences and breakfast provision. The group is entirely run by trustees and volunteers with the aid of school staff who offer out of hours support.

Mayor Geoff Watson with DCHS head of food Louise Milburn and lunch club students. Picture: Alnwick Town Council

Mayor Geoff Watson said: “Every young person at DCHS benefits from the activities provided by this excellent charity. The school serves children from a huge geographical area – it has the second biggest catchment area in England.#

Alnwick Town Council agreed to offer BOOST the sum of £1,000 to aid with the provision of personal care items and the lunchtime club.”

The school’s head of food, Louise Milburn, said: “We are very grateful for the support from Alnwick Town Council."

This article was originally published by the Northumberland Gazette. Click here to view the article.